Welcome (future) Alecrim!
Quotes & Queue
We are CLOSED for commissions!
Please make sure to read and agree with our Terms Of Service before sending us your application.
Be aware that our quotes are valid for 3 business days - after this period they become void and to apply for the queue again, a new submission must be send. We can't guarantee the same terms from old quotes on new ones (prices are updated without warning between queues due to taxes, supply prices and overall infrastructure costs of the studio that might impact on pricing projects).
We ask future clients to be prepared to proceed with the downpayment if they intend to move forward with the quote submission. We do not analyse quotes for just price ideas and when quotes are closed. For a price estimative we ask to check our Prices section.
Customer must choose between Regular or Artistic Liberty projects before sending an application.
We will not accept multiple quotes from the same client applied for the same queue.
We do not respond to quotes or form entries if our commissions are closed.
Our queue will be uploaded to Trello as commissions are updated.
We are CLOSED for Commissions projects.
We are CLOSED for Artistic Liberty projects.
Future queues and commissions opening will be announced on social medias.
We're mostly away from computers/devices during business hours (Tuesday-Friday from 8AM to 4PM). We usually reply to email/messages by 8AM to 7PM from Tuedsday-Friday on UTC/GMT -3 hours. When contacting us have in mind that we might not be able to reply immediately. Messages sent during weekends will be answered by the next closest business day. Our main communication channel is email at alecrimcarmim@gmail.com. Twitter and Instagram accounts are just for showcase of our projects.